Educational Residential Courses

Our educational courses bring together a residential experience with expert-led adventure activities. Courses are designed to give a potentially life enhancing experience and memories that can last a lifetime. Our courses are educational, empowering and always fun.

At each centre a course director and our experienced and qualified guides will ensure your course runs smoothly, co-ordinating the daily programme and ensuring all your requirements are met.

Designed with you

Course programmes are designed with visiting staff to ensure they meet your school’s objectives and requirements. The residential and activity elements combine to create a sense of community in which students; develop personal resilience; understand what is required to work as a team; face and solve individual and team challenges; improve their communication skills; demonstrate responsibility and importantly, adopt a ‘CAN DO’ attitude.

We can also align courses with curriculum subjects and learning outcomes. e.g. Physical Education or  Geography GCSE and A/S level curriculums.

Led by our skilled team

We have skilled, experienced and professional team members and course leaders who understand and know how to connect with young people of all ages. We deliver programmes that are built on core values. The skills that children and young people learn during our courses are transferable to real life situations and will help them to become more resilient.

Our team leaders will involve you and your groups in reviewing and reflecting on course. We value your feedback and always strive to deliver the best possible experience for all of our participants.

Our aim is to make learning fun.

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Non-school accommodation & adventure options available

In addition to our popular adventure courses for schools, we offer both residential and non-residential experiences for a wide range of guests, including:

  • Youth and Community Groups.
  • Groups of adults or families: Accommodation or activities only options are available. See accommodation options Day (non residential) activities also available.
  • Groups with special educational needs or varied abilities.
  • Employee team-building: Expert led outdoor fun challenges, both residential and non-residential available.
  • Outdoor activity clubs: We are ideally located for hiking, rambling and cycling clubs.
  • Teacher training: PGCE and Education Degree Course groups: Experience first hand the benefits that high quality outdoor education can bring to schools and pupils.
  • Scouts, Guides, Cubs and Brownie groups.
  • Duke of Edinburgh Award groups (camping on site is also available).
  • Apprentice groups: incorporate an outdoor experience into your apprenticeship or training  programme.

Enquire about your adventure